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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

A Review of Strategies of Urban Village Renewal in China and an Architectural Design Exploration in Jinan

Author : Zhen-Lin Huo

Published in: Proceedings of the 4th International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Urban villages are typical informal settlements in Chinese cities. In the urban development process, some old urban areas have been preserved, and some adjacent rural areas have become a part of the city, thus eventually forming China's unique urban village landscape. The high density and relatively poor environment in these areas have also brought about some problems of public security and regional vitality. These problems will become more difficult as the network becomes more developed in the post-epidemic era. This article takes Jinan as a representative and an urban village in Lixia District as the site. By investigating the characteristics and problems of this urban village, it attempts to propose a possible architectural design plan to improve the landscape of the urban village and enhance the vitality of community.

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A Review of Strategies of Urban Village Renewal in China and an Architectural Design Exploration in Jinan
Zhen-Lin Huo
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore