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19-01-2024 | Review

A review of the necessity of a multi-layer land-use planning

Authors: Hashem Dadashpoor, Leyla Ghasempour

Published in: Landscape and Ecological Engineering | Issue 2/2024

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Since its inception, land-use planning (LUP) has faced many challenges; most of these challenges have been due to the incompatibility of LUP with multi-layer situations. Lack of adaptability in planning has led to increased social conflicts and many environmental issues, especially in global southern countries. Paying attention to the context in which LUP takes place is necessary to adapt to the nonlinear land-use changes. LUP theories have formed two general processes including top-down (comprehensive planning) and bottom-up (collaborative planning) processes to influence land use. However, the processes that shape the transformations of land uses are more sophisticated than being placed in this or that theory. Land-use transformations are rooted in contextual conditions that are shaped by the mutual interactions of social structures and power relations at different spatial levels which are different for each society. This research explores the challenges of the incompatibility of LUP general processes with contextual conditions. The study reviews the compliance of contextual conditions with the LUP main elements, including cognition, decision-making process, goal setting, and policy selection. The results showed that LUP to comply with the multi-layer nature of various situations needs a continuous connection of its elements. Efficient knowledge of changing forces enables planning adaptability and flexibility. This knowledge provides the opportunity to redefine the decision-making process. This research can be the triggering point for LUP to comply with different conditions.

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Land-use planning requires participation, negotiation, and a willingness to compromise to consider cultural differences; otherwise, it leads to racist and unjust decisions (Jackson 1997; Moroni 2019a, b).
The complexity of societies increases when they keep most of their rights over property control, management, or planning and have different forms of private, public, or common ownership. These societies also have stronger institutionalism. In other words, when people keep their rights over their properties and only give over some specific parts of rights, then the organization of socioeconomic structures reflects decentralization (Slaev 2016a, b). In contrast, the planning organization of simple systems is defined based on full property rights to all resources employed, that is, all resources belong to a single owner, whether a person or an entity. The goals of the activities in this system reflect the interests of this single owner. If it is a company or a club, then the goals are defined by the central body. Also, the owner of the resources predetermines the parameters of the results in detail.
Relative codes can create order in social systems and are the only way to deal with uncertainty (Moroni 2010).
A property right is a socially enforced right to select uses of an economic good and it includes the right to plan, manage, and control the use of land (Alchian and Demsetz 1973).
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A review of the necessity of a multi-layer land-use planning
Hashem Dadashpoor
Leyla Ghasempour
Publication date
Springer Japan
Published in
Landscape and Ecological Engineering / Issue 2/2024
Print ISSN: 1860-1871
Electronic ISSN: 1860-188X

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