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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

A Review on Liquefaction Analysis Based on Stress and Energy Based Approaches Using SPT

Authors : P. Aditya Sai Teja, B. Vaishnavi, K. Chandra Vishal, V. Ramya Krishna

Published in: Advances in Environmental Sustainability, Energy and Earth Science

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Liquefaction phenomenon occurs in completely saturated, cohesive-less and loose soils that are subjected to periodic loading in undrained conditions. Because of the gradually rising pore pressure during liquefaction, the soil loses its shear strength when the effective stress resulting to zero. Even if a structure is intended to resist earthquakes, liquefaction may lead to foundation failure and subsequent structure collapse. Liquefaction is dependent on the properties of the soil below the ground surface. This paper presents the methods for the analysis of liquefaction potential and aims at the comparison of stress and energy-based methods, which rely mainly on Standard Penetration Test (SPT) values. This paper reviews some of the liquefaction hazards from previous earthquakes as well as case data from field research. This paper also studies remedial strategies employing different soil mitigation techniques that might be applied based on soil conditions at that site to reduce the severe damage caused through liquefaction.

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A Review on Liquefaction Analysis Based on Stress and Energy Based Approaches Using SPT
P. Aditya Sai Teja
B. Vaishnavi
K. Chandra Vishal
V. Ramya Krishna
Copyright Year