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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

A Set of Serious Games Scenarios Based on Pepper Robots as Rehab Standing Frames for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Authors : Leila Mouzehkesh Pirborj, Fady Alnajjar, Stephen Mathew, Rafat Damseh, Muthu Kumar Nadimuthu

Published in: Social Robotics

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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One of the major issues in pediatric rehabilitation practices relates to children refusing to participate in or perform associated exercises targeted to improve their physical condition. Technology and serious games are effective approaches to engage and motivate children and assist therapists in rehabilitation exercises. This Paper tries to elicit from children's requirements for the objective of designing efficient serious games scenarios that facilitate the rehabilitation procedure. A novel set of six rehabilitation game scenarios on standing frame for robotic assistance involving children with cerebral palsy is presented. We discuss the use of serious games on a standing frame in terms of humanoid robot limitations and capabilities. The scenarios have been developed based on specialists’ observations and in situ consultations with therapists at a pediatric rehabilitation center. Our findings are expected to help in future research tailored toward studying the effectiveness of adding humanoid robots to rehabilitation games to increase children’s motivation, engagement, and enjoyment.

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A Set of Serious Games Scenarios Based on Pepper Robots as Rehab Standing Frames for Children with Cerebral Palsy
Leila Mouzehkesh Pirborj
Fady Alnajjar
Stephen Mathew
Rafat Damseh
Muthu Kumar Nadimuthu
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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