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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

A Tangible Interface for Creating Virtual Cutaways in Mixed Reality

Authors : Xuyu Li, Priyansh Jalan, John Dingliana

Published in: Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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In this paper, we discuss work-in-progress research on tangible interfaces for interactive cutaway visualizations in Mixed Reality (MR). We present an approach that allows users to flexibly and intuitively define virtual cutaway geometry by directly interacting with real-world objects. Using hand movements the user physically traces the shape of the cutaway on an object, without the need for specialized input devices. Tangible interaction allows more accurate interaction and makes it easier for users to plan the placement and shape of required cutaways that fit the object. We developed a prototype demonstrator on the Microsoft HoloLens 2 and present the design and implementation details for such a system and discuss insights, gained from preliminary testing, that motivate compelling directions for future work.

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A Tangible Interface for Creating Virtual Cutaways in Mixed Reality
Xuyu Li
Priyansh Jalan
John Dingliana
Copyright Year

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