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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

A Topological Approach to Soergel Theory

Authors : Roman Bezrukavnikov, Simon Riche

Published in: Representation Theory and Algebraic Geometry

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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We develop a “Soergel theory” for Bruhat-constructible perverse sheaves on the flag variety GB of a complex reductive group G, with coefficients in an arbitrary field . Namely, we describe the endomorphisms of the projective cover of the skyscraper sheaf in terms of a “multiplicative” coinvariant algebra and then establish an equivalence of categories between projective (or tilting) objects in this category and a certain category of “Soergel modules” over this algebra. We also obtain a description of the derived category of unipotently T monodromic sheaves on GU (where U, T ⊂ B are the unipotent radical and the maximal torus), as a monoidal category, in terms of coherent sheaves on the formal neighborhood of the base point in , where is the -torus dual to T.

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All the torsors we will encounter in the present paper will be locally trivial for the Zariski topology.
All our pro-objects are tacitly parametrized by \(\mathbb {Z}_{\geq 0}\) (with its standard order).
This assumption is probably unnecessary. But since this is the setting we are mostly interested in, we will not consider the possible extension of this claim to the characteristic-0 setting.
Recall that in the étale setting, the U-equivariant and B-constructible derived categories are different if p > 0, due to the existence of nonconstant local systems on affine spaces. Here is the full triangulated subcategory of generated by pushforwards of constant local systems on strata.
Namely, it is claimed in this proof that the complex denoted “C” is concentrated in positive perverse degrees. But the arguments given there only imply that its negative perverse cohomology objects vanish.
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A Topological Approach to Soergel Theory
Roman Bezrukavnikov
Simon Riche
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