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A Unified Approach to Uniform Signal Recovery From Nonlinear Observations

Authors: Martin Genzel, Alexander Stollenwerk

Published in: Foundations of Computational Mathematics | Issue 3/2023

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Recent advances in quantized compressed sensing and high-dimensional estimation have shown that signal recovery is even feasible under strong nonlinear distortions in the observation process. An important characteristic of associated guarantees is uniformity, i.e., recovery succeeds for an entire class of structured signals with a fixed measurement ensemble. However, despite significant results in various special cases, a general understanding of uniform recovery from nonlinear observations is still missing. This paper develops a unified approach to this problem under the assumption of i.i.d. sub-Gaussian measurement vectors. Our main result shows that a simple least-squares estimator with any convex constraint can serve as a universal recovery strategy, which is outlier robust and does not require explicit knowledge of the underlying nonlinearity. Based on empirical process theory, a key technical novelty is an approximative increment condition that can be implemented for all common types of nonlinear models. This flexibility allows us to apply our approach to a variety of problems in nonlinear compressed sensing and high-dimensional statistics, leading to several new and improved guarantees. Each of these applications is accompanied by a conceptually simple and systematic proof, which does not rely on any deeper properties of the observation model. On the other hand, known local stability properties can be incorporated into our framework in a plug-and-play manner, thereby implying near-optimal error bounds.

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In particular, we will not discuss any details about possible algorithmic implementations of (\({\mathsf {P}}_{K,\varvec{y}}\)), which is an important subject in its own right.
Here, the \(\nu _i\) correspond to adversarial noise, i.e., as long as the \(\ell ^{2}\)-constraint is satisfied, they could be arbitrary (even worst-case) perturbations. This model is very common in uniform recovery and compressed sensing, cf. [21]. But note that compared to statistical noise, this comes at the price of consistent estimation, i.e., the reconstruction error may not become arbitrarily small if \(m \rightarrow \infty \); see Remark 1 and 4 for further discussion.
This is an important difference to the non-uniform regime, where \(\varvec{x}\) is a fixed signal. In this case, it is possible to apply known multiplier concentrations inequalities to control (1.3), e.g., see [42, Thm. 1.9].
Note that we actually have that \(L\ge \sqrt{1/\log (2)} > 1\) if \(\varvec{a}\) is isotropic, see [35].
One should bear in mind that the target function \(T\) is a purely theoretical object that does not affect the solution of (\({\mathsf {P}}_{K,\varvec{y}}\)) and may be (partially) unknown in practice. Nevertheless, it is an essential analysis tool for Problem 1, relating the underlying observation model to the actual recovery method (\({\mathsf {P}}_{K,\varvec{y}}\)), see also Remark 2(1).
The use of the modifier ‘\(\sim \)’ in Assumption 1 is also due to this fact and may help to distinguish between our observation model and the actual input for (\({\mathsf {P}}_{K,\varvec{y}}\)).
The condition (2.3) is stated in such a way that it is convenient to handle in our specific applications (see Sect. 4). However, for a basic understanding, the reader may simply set \(u= u_0\), so that the first and second branch in (2.3) can be merged to \(m \gtrsim L^2(\log L+ L^2\varDelta ^2) \cdot \big (w_{t}^2(K- T\mathcal {X})+ u^2 \big )\).
In the case of exact recovery, i.e., \(t = 0\), we follow the convention \(0 \cdot \infty {:=}0\), so that the condition (2.3) requires that \(r= \hat{r}= L_{t}= \hat{L}_{t}= 0\). Then, (2.3) is particularly fulfilled for \(m \ge C \cdot L^2 \log L\cdot (w_{0}^2(K- T\mathcal {X})+ u^2)\), where \(m_0= 0\), \(\varDelta = L^{-1} \sqrt{\log L}\), and \(u= u_0\).
Note that the expression \(O(m^{-1/2})\) suppresses the dependence on \(w_{t}(K- T\mathcal {X})\). Although the latter can be trivially bounded by \(w_{0}(K- T\mathcal {X})\), which is independent of t, such an estimate might not appropriately capture the (low) complexity of \(K\) in certain cases.
A simple example is as follows: For a unit vector \(\varvec{x}\in \mathbb {S}^{p-1}\) to be reconstructed, set \(\nu _i = c \cdot t \cdot \langle \varvec{a}_i, \varvec{x}\rangle \) for a constant \(c > 0\) small enough. If m is sufficiently large, then (3.8) holds with high probability. At the same time, we have that \(y_i = \langle \varvec{a}_i, \varvec{x}\rangle + \nu _i = \langle \varvec{a}_i, (1 + ct)\varvec{x}\rangle \). Hence, Corollary 1 can be also applied such that it certifies exact recovery of the rescaled vector \((1 + ct)\varvec{x}\) via (\({\mathsf {P}}_{K,\varvec{y}}\)). In other words, we have that \(\Vert \hat{\varvec{z}}- \varvec{x}\Vert _{2} = ct \cdot \Vert \varvec{x}\Vert _{2} \asymp t\).
Here, it is important to note that, in contrast to \(K\), the (transformed) signal set \(T\mathcal {X}\) may be highly non-convex.
The existence of an efficient projection and the (non-)convexity of \(K\) are not equivalent. There are many examples of efficient projections onto non-convex sets, while the projection onto convex sets can be NP-hard, e.g., see [53].
To be more precise, we assume that the tuples \((\varvec{a}_i, F_i, \tilde{y}_{t,i})\) are independent copies of \((\varvec{a}, F, \tilde{y}_{t})\) for \(i = 1, \dots , m\). In particular, the respective conditions of Assumption 2(a)–(c) are also satisfied for \(\{\tilde{y}_{t,i}(\varvec{x})\}_{\varvec{x}\in \mathcal {X}}\).
To be slightly more precise, we apply Theorem 8 to the index sets \(\mathcal {A}{:=}\mathcal {X}\) and \(\mathcal {B}{:=}K_{\mathcal {X},t}\), while \(X \sim \mathbb {P}\) corresponds to the random tuple \((\varvec{a}, F, \tilde{y}_{t})\).
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A Unified Approach to Uniform Signal Recovery From Nonlinear Observations
Martin Genzel
Alexander Stollenwerk
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Foundations of Computational Mathematics / Issue 3/2023
Print ISSN: 1615-3375
Electronic ISSN: 1615-3383

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