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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Accelerating Lattice Based Proxy Re-encryption Schemes on GPUs

Authors : Gyana Sahu, Kurt Rohloff

Published in: Cryptology and Network Security

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Proxy Re-Encryption (PRE) is an indispensable tool in many public-key cryptographic schemes that enables users to delegate decryption rights to other users via a proxy. In this work, we present a high performance implementation of PRE schemes on NVIDIA GPUs. We target two lattice based PRE schemes, BV-PRE and Ring-GSW PRE defined over polynomial rings. We design a parallel Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) procedure capable of working on arbitrary precision moduli (in CRT form) and demonstrate several low level and GPU optimizations techniques to accelerate the PRE schemes.
For the same or higher security settings our results show 39x to 228x factors of improvement in performance with a peak throughput of 6.3 Mbps when compared to the CPU implementation of the BV-PRE scheme in the PALISADE lattice crypto software library. Similarly, for the Ring-GSW PRE scheme we achieve a peak throughput of 49 Mbps and up to 11x improvement in performance.

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Accelerating Lattice Based Proxy Re-encryption Schemes on GPUs
Gyana Sahu
Kurt Rohloff
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