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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Actions for Urban Climate Change Adaptation

Authors : Bao-Jie He, Joni Jupesta, Giuseppe T. Cirella, Gloria Pignatta

Published in: Urban Climate Change Adaptation

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Climate change has significantly threatened the health, safety, and prosperity of human beings. Decarbonization movement has been started and deepened with the implementation of carbon neutral goals at different scales to decelerate climate change and alleviate associated disasters. Despite efforts being made late and being slow to mitigate, climate-related impacts cannot disappear or reduce in the short term. If mitigation goals and targets are not achieved, living with climate-related disasters will become normal for human beings in the future. Typically, cities are the main human settlements along with urbanization, but they are under severe climate-related challenges due to unstainable anthropogenic interventions. Systematically charting urban climate change adaptation pathways, actions, plans, and policies are highly needed. To support this, the 3rd International Conference on Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability was held to widely collect experience and lessons tailoring to different contexts, to promote urban climate change adaptation implementation. A total of 21 conference papers were accepted for publication. The book contains four parts including “Climate Change Impacts, Mitigation, and Adaptation”, “Sustainable Planning and Design of Urban and Rural Areas”, “Exploring Techniques Towards Environmental Sustainability”, and “Climate-related Governance and Challenges”. The contents in this book are expected to provide a reference for a comprehensive, tangible, and implementable system of urban climate change adaptation with the case studies in various cities all over the world.

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Actions for Urban Climate Change Adaptation
Bao-Jie He
Joni Jupesta
Giuseppe T. Cirella
Gloria Pignatta
Copyright Year