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1993 | Book

Adaptation in Stochastic Environments

Editors: Jin Yoshimura, Colib W. Clark

Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Book Series : Lecture Notes in Biomathematics


About this book

The classical theory of natural selection, as developed by Fisher, Haldane, and 'Wright, and their followers, is in a sense a statistical theory. By and large the classical theory assumes that the underlying environment in which evolution transpires is both constant and stable - the theory is in this sense deterministic. In reality, on the other hand, nature is almost always changing and unstable. We do not yet possess a complete theory of natural selection in stochastic environ­ ments. Perhaps it has been thought that such a theory is unimportant, or that it would be too difficult. Our own view is that the time is now ripe for the development of a probabilistic theory of natural selection. The present volume is an attempt to provide an elementary introduction to this probabilistic theory. Each author was asked to con­ tribute a simple, basic introduction to his or her specialty, including lively discussions and speculation. We hope that the book contributes further to the understanding of the roles of "Chance and Necessity" (Monod 1971) as integrated components of adaptation in nature.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Historical Remarks
What is maximized by natural selection? A general answer is the expected reproductive success of the individual; i.e. mean individual fitness. This basic fitness maximization principle underlies much of the modern evolutionary theory of adaptation (Fisher 1930, Williams 1966, Maynard Smith 1978). Criticism of the hypothesis of fitness maximization has, however, also been widespread (e.g. Dupré 1987).
Jin Yoshimura, Colin W. Clark
Fitness in Random Environments
The effect of random environmental changes on fitness is modelled for a wide range of life histories and patterns of environmental and demographic variability with the following main conclusions:
Independent individual variation in fitness does not influence selection on an allele or a trait in a large mixed population.
Mean log fitness is the measure of long term fitness when fitness varies between nonoverlapping generations. In this case there is no coexistence between alternative strategies.
With long-lived overlapping generations, a mean ratio greater than 1 between the fitness of a rare type and the fitness of the common type is the criterion for the increase of the rare type. This gives a selective advantage to the rare type, which allows coexistence between strategies that have some independently varying fitness. This also applies to a long lived seed bank in the soil.
In very small populations, especially with single founders, the long term fitness, which is given by the probability of establishment, is determined by the probability of extinction, which increases when the variance of individual fitness increases for the same mean fitness. Mutants with higher mean fitness have a higher long term fitness however, and eventually displace low variance mutants established earlier. A long term selective advantage for low variance mutants is maintained in continuously changing environment, or in structured populations whose subpopulations periodically go extinct.
The variation of different components of fitness does not influence fitness if it occurs independently in different individuals in large populations. However, it does influence fitness if it is synchronised to some extent in the whole population, for example in synchronised age dependent cohorts in nonoverlapping generations.
The optimal tradeoff between reproduction and survival is expected to take into account only the mean survival if survival is distributed independently in a large population, e.g. risk of predation, while the variance of survival has to be taken into account if mortality is synchronised, or when there is a single or few founders.
The variation of resources which contribute to individual fitness, e.g. food, decreases fitness over the convex range of the fitness function and increases fitness over the concave range.
Behavioural, developmental, or life history strategies which reduce the variance between generations are selected for: e.g. dormancy, long living perennial habit in plants, dispersal, and phenotypic polymorphism.
Dan Cohen
Density Dependent Life History Evolution in Fluctuating Environments
Environmental fluctuation may not only alter the life history optimization problem but also query optimization itself. Under density regulation annual growth rate is influenced by the direct effect of fluctuation as well as by an indirect effect due to fluctuating population density. For a weak fluctuation there is an optimal strategy which is slightly different from the stable environment optimum, since (a) it should adapt to an average density altered by fluctuation, (b) it should diminish the fluctuation in annual growth rate caused by direct and indirect effect of environmental fluctuation, and (c) it should exploit an increase, but avoid a decrease in average annual growth rate caused by fluctuation. The “optimal” strategy becomes meaningless if the fluctuation is strong, because long run growth rates are not independent of the established population. Coexistence (or exclusion of the rare strategy) may be mediated by a sufficiently strong fluctuation, which is illustrated by a simple model elucidating the connection with resource-competition models. Moreover, some other consequences of strong fluctuation are demonstrated by the example of a lottery model, such as multiple ESS, ESS which cannot invade an established population, and historical events which determine the outcome of the evolution.
Éva Kisdi, Géza Meszéna
Life History Evolution and Population Dynamics in Variable Environments: Some Insights from Stochastic Demography
What are the evolutionary consequences of environmental fluctuations? In this paper, I present results from the theory of stochastic demography which provide a partial answer to this central question in the evolutionary analysis of life histories.
Steven Hecht Orzack
Plasticity in Fluctuating Environments
Most models of selection operating in fluctuating environments consider only rigid phe-notypes. Genetic models (Haldane & Jayakar 1963, Gillespie 1973, Karlin & Liberman 1974) are also incomplete because they refer only indirectly to the phenotype. Strategic (optimality) analyses, on the other hand, usually look for an optimal fixed phenotypic compromise, presumably established by selection when each of the possible environmental states would favour a different type (Levins 1968a, Schaffer 1974, Oster & Wilson 1978, Real 1980, León 1983, Brown & Venable 1986, Yoshimura & Clark 1991). This optimum is obtained as follows. Any given phenotype X would exhibit an array of fitnesses W y (X) corresponding to different environmental states Y. The type endowed with maximal geometric mean M (or logarithmic expectation E(ln W) of the fitnesses, would eventually prevail (Gillespie 1973, León 1985, Frank & Slatkin 1990, Yoshimura & Clark 1991). This outcome is valid only in populations without age structure or density dependence since the presence of these factors would complicate the analysis (Caswell 1983, Buhner 1984, 1985; Elmer 1985a, 1985b; Goodman 1984, Tuljapurkar 1982, 1989). The second order Taylor expansion of the logarithmic expectation gives (Gillespie 1977, León 1983, Real 1980) the approximation:
$$E(\ln \;W) = \ln \;E(W) - \frac{1}{2}\frac{{V(W)}}{{E{{(W)}^2}}}$$
where W is fitness, E(W) its expectation and V(W) its variance. Therefore, the constrained maximum of E(ln W) will be a compromise between maximizing the mean E(W) and minimizing the variance V(W).
Jesús Alberto León
Optimization and ESS Analysis for Populations in Stochastic Environments
The interplay of demographic and environmental variance is considered in a behavioral context involving foraging in the presence of uncertain, fluctuating risk of predation. The evolutionary contest between two strategies — high risk and high fecundity versus low risk and low fecundity — is considered. Often the risky strategy will be dominant when it is sufficiently abundant in the population. Demographic (sampling) variance, however, implies that either strategy may be at a disadvantage when rare. In a phenotypic model the stable strategy may be determined by initial conditions and by chance. In a genetic model, polymorphism may be maintained if the risky strategy is heterozygotic.
Colin W. Clark, Jin Yoshimura
Are Variable Environments Stochastic? A Review of Methods to Quantify Environmental Predictability
We review some methods for quantifying environmental predictability and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. Colwell’s (1974) index can be used to give an absolute measure of predictability, which can be partitioned into constancy and contingency (seasonality), and is applied to time series of categorical data. Spectral analysis is useful for measuring periodicity or seasonality of environments, and requires time series of continuous data. We compare the behavior of these measures for 15 wetland sites in tropical and subtropical portions of North and South America. Estimates of seasonality and predictability based on spectral densities were related positively to estimates of predictability and contingency, and to some extent negatively with constancy, derived from Colwell’s index. These methods performed better than simple statistical measures of variation such as the standard deviation or coefficient of variation. Studies seeking to characterize environmental variation and explore its implications for life-history evolution should employ these time series approaches.
Steven R. Beissinger, James P. Gibbs
Modeling Selection on Conditional Strategies in Stochastic Environments
Conditional strategies, in which individuals can exercise different tactics depending on the circumstances, are believed to be adaptive when the environment varies stochastically. We discuss a genetic model that treats such strategies as threshold traits. Examples are provided that illustrate how the model can be used to examine the effects of selection on conditional strategies when the environment varies spatially. The implications of the model for maintenance of conditional strategies in stochastic environments are discussed.
Wade N. Hazel, Richard Smock
Coexistence in Stochastic Environments through a Life History Trade Off in Drosophila
The coexistence of competing species may be mediated by various mechanisms including resource partitioning and various kinds of environmental heterogeneity. In this paper we show how differences in life history enhance coexistence in stochastic environments. In Drosophila species, as in many other taxa, the developmental period is proportional to adult survival. A short developmental period, i.e. a high developmental rate, enhances the competitive ability of larvae. High adult survival, on the other hand, must increase the probability of reaching new breeding sites in space and time. We present a model of two competing species to investigate the consequences of the trade off. The model features density dependent mortality (due to competition) in the larval stage, and age dependent mortality in the adult stage. Breeding opportunities occur with a certain probability per time step. This is the only stochastic component of the model. The model demonstrates that fast growing, short lived species are superior when breeding opportunities are frequent. Slower growing, long lived species are superior when breeding opportunities are rare in time. A sensitivity analysis indicates that this conclusion is qualitatively robust. The mutual invasibility criterion reveals that stable coexistence will occur for certain feeding probabilities.
Jan G. Sevenster, Jacques J. M. van Alphen
The Equilibrium Distribution of Optimal Search and Sampling Effort of Foraging Animals in Patchy Environments
The optimal allocation of time and effort by foraging animals for searching, sampling and learning the distribution of food in patches is modelled. The optimal effort maximises the net gain, which is the difference between the benefit and the cost of searching. The optimal search effort increases as a function of the variance of quality between the patches, and the turnover of new patches. It decreases as a function of the cost of searching, e.g. the movement cost between the patches.
The variance of quality in the patches decreases as a function of the total search effort by all the foragers. A joint stable equilibrium of search effort and patch variance is reached when the variance reaches the level which is generated by the search effort which is optimal for all the foragers. The joint equilibrium search effort is a decreasing function of the population density, and of the search cost. It is an increasing function of the inherent variance in patch quality, and of the patch renewal rate. The equilibrium variance in patch quality is a decreasing function of the populaton density of the foragers, and of the search cost.
A rare type with a different optimal search as a function of the variance, behaves according to the variance equilibrium with the common type. The optimal search effort of rare types diverges from that of the common type more than it would if they were on their own. In heterogeneous populations with several different types, the equilibrium search effort of each type is the optimal search effort at the variance generated by the total search effort of all the types.
Coexistence is possible between species with high information gathering and high energy reqirements, which utilise the richer newly discovered food sources, and species with low information gathering and low energy demands, which utilise poorer depleted food sources.
A small average number of foraging visits per patch generates a stochastic distribution of patch quality even in inherently uniform patches. In such cases, the equilibrium search effort and patch variance may be high, and may be determined entirely by this stochastic generation of variance.
Dan Cohen
Adaptation in Stochastic Environments
Jin Yoshimura
Colib W. Clark
Copyright Year
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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