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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Adapting Modern Cities to the Evolved Needs of People

Author : Amro Abdelalim

Published in: Urban Climate Change Adaptation

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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People needs are considered to be a major indicator and director in their lives. Urban form of cities has been noticed to be affected and changed with the developed people needs. They are continuously changing all over hundreds of years according to the human development and scientific discoveries. Studies show that people tend to settle in cities because they know that urban settlements can offer better services and diversity in satisfying their diverse needs the best. That’s why having a track over the arrangement and evolution of cities forms is an important domain and interesting subject to be studied. To have a livable city is to have its people needs studied very well and generally fulfilled. This paper focuses on finding a relation between the hierarchy of needs of people living in gathered settlements from ancient ages to present along with their cities forms. A city is considered to be successful and remarkable only when the services they present fits the most its diverse citizens needs. A city, in its spatial form, components and land uses, corresponds with citizens needs in some way. The way it’s designed and planned gives a related overview to its people and how they live in the circumstances of space, resources and time. That’s why tracking the needs of people and studying them recently is necessary to ensure that cities are suitable and proper for their citizens to live in them regarding the accelerated updated forms of cities and not contradicting with the digital age human history is entering.

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Adapting Modern Cities to the Evolved Needs of People
Amro Abdelalim
Copyright Year