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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Addressing Structural Complexity in Facility Location

Authors : J. M. Pinar-Pérez, D. Ruiz-Hernández, M. B. C. Menezes

Published in: Organizational Engineering in Industry 4.0

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The focus of this work is the problem of locational complexity in the supply chain (i.e. the complexity emanating from the proliferation markets) that results from natural growth, multi-market, and market overlapping strategies. Notwithstanding, it is widely agreed among practitioners that this proliferation damages supply chains, rendering them less efficient; there is still a need for a mechanism for incorporating a measure of structural complexity in optimization models that may help on the design of less-complex networks or, alternatively, in the rationalization of oversized ones. In this work, we propose an extension to the K-Median problem that takes into account the complexity of the resulting network.

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Addressing Structural Complexity in Facility Location
J. M. Pinar-Pérez
D. Ruiz-Hernández
M. B. C. Menezes
Copyright Year

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