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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Adoption of Life-Cycle-Based Methods for Improving  Product-Level Circularity: An Analysis from the Perspective of Stakeholders

Authors : N. Uriarte-Gallastegi, B. Landeta-Manzano, P. Ruiz-de-Arbulo-López, G. Arana-Landín

Published in: Organizational Engineering in Industry 4.0

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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In recent years, many companies have incorporated environmental management practices aimed at reducing the environmental impact of their products throughout their life cycle. Considering the adoption of this perspective necessary, many companies have adopted various tools, techniques, or methodologies at the operational level and, even at the strategic level, with the support of even the public administrations, among other actors. Nevertheless, the process is not simple and the lack of practical knowledge of previous cases makes the process difficult and costly. Consistent with this point, the objective of the research focuses on the development of an exploratory analysis of the fundamental drivers, key aspects of the process, and the most relevant results of the adoption of life-cycle-based tools and methods for environmental management of manufacturers held in the Basque Country, a leading region in Spain in terms of GDP per capita with a strong and high-tech industrial base. Results show improving a company's image in the market seems to be a fundamental motivation, but there are other internal and external drivers, such as the possibility of increasing the value of products, environmental awareness, and increase competitiveness of companies themselves. The main difficulties were the acquisition of the necessary environmental information from suppliers, the need to adopt new working tools, techniques and methods for environmental impact assessment, and rethink operational and strategic processes to include environmental aspects, and the commitment of all the personnel involved. Overall, the results of the adoption process are positive and companies were satisfied. Stakeholders highlighted improvements in safety, quality, and innovation of products and the company image. Nonetheless, stakeholders claim a greater environmental commitment by public administrations is necessary, though they seem to be taking steps forward.

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Adoption of Life-Cycle-Based Methods for Improving  Product-Level Circularity: An Analysis from the Perspective of Stakeholders
N. Uriarte-Gallastegi
B. Landeta-Manzano
P. Ruiz-de-Arbulo-López
G. Arana-Landín
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