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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

AI and Econometric Modeling: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Predictive Modeling

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly impacted many different industries, including finance and economics. These technologies are increasingly being used to improve economic forecasting and analysis, providing more accurate predictions and better decision-making. The article delves into the expanding use of artificial intelligence (AI) in economic forecasting and analysis, including subjects such as big data, predictive analytics, and econometrics. It will also examine the problems of using AI in econometrics research, as well as the future of these technologies. Traditional forecasting approaches rely on econometric models for economic forecasting and analysis. These models evaluate correlations between economic indicators such as GDP, inflation, and unemployment using statistical approaches and mathematical equations. However, these classic models have limitations in that they may not be able to explain more complex interactions between economic variables. Furthermore, they require a lot of data as well as certain assumptions about the structure of the model, which can affect their ability to adapt to changing economic conditions. The use of AI and Machine Learning (ML) in economics can help overcome these problems and improve the accuracy of predictions about future trends.

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AI and Econometric Modeling: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Predictive Modeling
Do Huu Hai
Pham Van Tuan
Copyright Year