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All-optical photonic crystal logic gates and functions based on threshold logic

Authors: Arash Firouzimoghaddam, Hojjat Sharifi

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 1/2025

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This paper presents a novel photonic crystal structure for designing all-optical photonic crystal logic gates and functions based on threshold logic concept. The structure offers two- and three-input AND/NAND logic gates as well as three-input majority/minority functions. In this method, the summation of inputs values connects to a threshold detector with varying threshold values in order to achieve different logic gates and functions. Furthermore, the impact of variations in the diameter and position of rods on the performance of the proposed structures has been examined. Simulation results demonstrate the successful operation of the proposed structures even in the presence of 14% variation in rod diameter, indicating that the presented logic gates exhibit minimal sensitivity to process variations. The finite difference time domain method was used to evaluate the performance of the proposed structures with a switching power requirement of is 2.5 W.

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All-optical photonic crystal logic gates and functions based on threshold logic
Arash Firouzimoghaddam
Hojjat Sharifi
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 1/2025
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137