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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

An Approach to New Technical Solutions in Resource Allocation Based on Artificial Intelligence

Authors : Tung Nguyen Trong, Nguyen Hai Vinh Cuong, Tran-Vu Pham, Nguyen Ha Huy Cuong, Bui Thanh Khiet

Published in: Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Deadlock is a major problem for systems that allocate resources (AL). There are many solutions to the deadlock problem in distributed systems, the solutions are divided into the following three groups: deadlock-prevention, deadlock-avoidance, and deadlock-detection. AL and related deadlock prevention originate from the design and implementation of operating systems and distributed computing. In this article, we systematize research related to distributed systems, problems of AL, strategies in AL, and solutions to deal with deadlock situations in AL. We present deadlock avoidance algorithms, and deadlock prevention, in addition, we present a deadlock detection algorithm using a two-way search with running time complexity of the horizontal arc O(m1/2) when the edge (v,w) is added to the graph. Compare the two-way search algorithm with the improved algorithm, and finally the experimental results.

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An Approach to New Technical Solutions in Resource Allocation Based on Artificial Intelligence
Tung Nguyen Trong
Nguyen Hai Vinh Cuong
Tran-Vu Pham
Nguyen Ha Huy Cuong
Bui Thanh Khiet
Copyright Year

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