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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

78. An Argument for Gamification of Pedagogy of Aesthetics in Indian Academics Set-Up

Authors : Sneha Maji, Jyoti Kumar

Published in: Design in the Era of Industry 4.0, Volume 3

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Art and aesthetics have been used to connect, express, and sometimes even heal. Aesthetic appreciation simultaneously involves both cognitive and affective processes. There have been cultural practices as well, especially in the Indian context that support the aesthetic celebration of rituals of life. However, the educational system has been largely bereft of this aspect of aesthetic celebration within academic set-ups like the way culture has done it. India’s New Education Policy 2020 argues the need for education to be immersive, holistic, integrated, and discovery-oriented. This paves way for the development of new pedagogical tools and methods towards this end. Gamification is one such pedagogical method that has the potential to engage students and improve their aesthetics education. This research presents a framework to implement gamification of design studio pedagogy and reports measures of the effectiveness of the framework using the Maslach Burnout Questionnaire. A significant difference in the effect of gamification was observed.

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An Argument for Gamification of Pedagogy of Aesthetics in Indian Academics Set-Up
Sneha Maji
Jyoti Kumar
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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