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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Quantifying Exercise Form for Optimal Performance and Injury Prevention

Authors : K. R. Sowmia, T. Jayaganeshan, F. Mohammed Abraar Khan, S. Madhesh, S. Kabilesh

Published in: Proceedings of Third International Conference on Computing and Communication Networks

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Human body posture estimation remains one of the most challenging problems despite substantial research and improvements in the fields of artificial intelligence and computer vision. Human pose detection has several uses, including assisted living, video surveillance, biometrics, public security, and at-home health monitoring. Nowadays, teenagers between the ages of sixteen and twenty-five are encouraged to engage in rigorous training because they are interested in maintaining a specific degree of physical fitness in their bodies. If they do not maintain good form or posture, this tough training activity could lead to muscular injuries or any other small or serious problems. They should engage a personal trainer or someone who can help them follow the right methods to sustain and prevent injuries if they want to keep up with all of this. This only applies to those who perform these intense exercises in a gym or other public space; at-home exercisers would not be able to afford personal trainers and instructors. One can utilize an AI-trained model to maintain good body posture for intense workouts. The analysis and evaluation of the participants’ exercise movements will be done by the study using a combination of motion sensors, cameras, and machine learning algorithms. The AI-powered system will examine each participant's form, offer real-time feedback, and correct mistakes made while training with various workouts. This AI-trained model serves as a personalized trainer that can be tweaked to the user's specifications. The AI model assigns a preference category to each workout and notifies the user if it detects a posture issue.

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An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Quantifying Exercise Form for Optimal Performance and Injury Prevention
K. R. Sowmia
T. Jayaganeshan
F. Mohammed Abraar Khan
S. Madhesh
S. Kabilesh
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore