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An Atlas for the Pinhole Camera

Authors: Sameer Agarwal, Timothy Duff, Max Lieblich, Rekha R. Thomas

Published in: Foundations of Computational Mathematics | Issue 1/2024

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We introduce an atlas of algebro-geometric objects associated with image formation in pinhole cameras. The nodes of the atlas are algebraic varieties or their vanishing ideals related to each other by projection or elimination and restriction or specialization, respectively. This atlas offers a unifying framework for the study of problems in 3D computer vision. We initiate the study of the atlas by completely characterizing a part of the atlas stemming from the triangulation problem. We conclude with several open problems and generalizations of the atlas.

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To distinguish between known and unknown quantities, we use a bar over an object to indicate specialization. For instance, A stands for a symbolic \(3 \times 4\) matrix denoting a camera, while \({\bar{A}}\) is a \(3 \times 4\) scalar matrix realizing a camera. We also use bold face letters to indicate collections. For instance, we use \(\mathbf {A}\) and \({\bar{\mathbf {A}}}\) to specify a collection of symbolic and scalar cameras, respectively.
The imaging map of (1.3) models a scenario in which all points are visible in every image. One may consider other scenarios of interest in computer vision, e.g., when each point is visible in only some of the images (e.g., [19, 29]).
We note that the definition of \(\Gamma _{\mathbf {A}, \mathbf {q}, \mathbf {p}}^{m,n}\) is independent of the choice of U. As such, it is insensitive to certain physical assumptions about the camera matrices (e.g.,  that they have full rank, or that their centers do not coincide.) In particular, although a generic point \(({\bar{\mathbf {A}}}, {\bar{\mathbf {q}}}, {\bar{\mathbf {p}}}) \in \Gamma _{\mathbf {A}, \mathbf {q}, \mathbf {p}}^{m,n}\) will be such that each \(A_i\) has full rank and all \(A_i q_j \) are defined, these conditions do not hold for an arbitrary point \(({\bar{\mathbf {A}}}, {\bar{\mathbf {q}}}, {\bar{\mathbf {p}}}) \in \Gamma _{\mathbf {A}, \mathbf {q}, \mathbf {p}}^{m,n}.\)
Not every result of successively applying projection and specialization operations to \(\Gamma _{\mathbf {A}, \mathbf {q}, \mathbf {p}}^{m,n}\) is included here. For example \(\Gamma ^{m,n}_{\mathbf {A}}\) and \(\Gamma ^{m,n}_{\mathbf {q}}\) are trivial. Similarly \(\Gamma ^{m,n}_{{\bar{\mathbf {A}}},\mathbf {q},{\bar{\mathbf {p}}}}\) and \(\Gamma ^{m,n}_{\mathbf {A},{\bar{\mathbf {q}}},{\bar{\mathbf {p}}}}\) are defined by linear equations and not interesting for projective cameras. However, this can change as the model for the camera is varied. For example, \(\Gamma ^{m,n}_{\mathbf {A},{\bar{\mathbf {q}}},{\bar{\mathbf {p}}}}\) is an interesting nonlinear variety for Euclidean cameras. See Sect. 8 for more.
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An Atlas for the Pinhole Camera
Sameer Agarwal
Timothy Duff
Max Lieblich
Rekha R. Thomas
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Foundations of Computational Mathematics / Issue 1/2024
Print ISSN: 1615-3375
Electronic ISSN: 1615-3383

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