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35. An Empirical Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Switching Intention from Cash Payment to Mobile Payment in Vietnam

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Mobile payment with huge advantages in the independence of time and location offers customers faster, safer, and easier payment experience than traditional methods. However, before accepting innovation technology, users must decide to continue paying by the current method or switching to one of its substitutes. To understand the main determinants that affect customers’ switching intention from cash payment to mobile payment in Vietnam, this study illustrates a conceptual model that combined the technology acceptance model (TAM) and push–pull–mooring (PPM) framework. The results show that alternative attractiveness is the most impact pull factor, followed by mobility. Regarding push factors, low satisfaction and inconvenience of cash payment have great influences on both perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. Finally, regarding mooring effects, personal innovativeness has the significant influence on perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and switching intention, whereas perceived risk has a negative influence and the effect of mobile payment knowledge is not confirmed. Moreover, the relationships between the variables are influenced only by habit, while the impact of switching cost is not found.

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An Empirical Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Switching Intention from Cash Payment to Mobile Payment in Vietnam
Thao An Tran
Yen Vinh Thi Tran
Copyright Year