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2019 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

An Encrypted Database with Enforced Access Control and Blockchain Validation

Authors : Zhimei Sui, Shangqi Lai, Cong Zuo, Xingliang Yuan, Joseph K. Liu, Haifeng Qian

Published in: Information Security and Cryptology

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Data privacy and integrity is top of mind for modern data applications. To tackle with the above issue, we propose an encrypted database system with access control capabilities and blockchain validation in this paper. Compared to the existing encrypted database system, our design proposes a proxy-free architecture, which avoids the need for a trusted proxy for access control. In order to protect the integrity of user data, our system leverages the blockchain technology to realize a tampering protection mechanism. The mechanism ensures that modification logging is compulsory and public-available but hardened. Users can validate and easily detect the tampered data. Finally, we implement a prototype system and conduct evaluations on each component of the proposed system.

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An Encrypted Database with Enforced Access Control and Blockchain Validation
Zhimei Sui
Shangqi Lai
Cong Zuo
Xingliang Yuan
Joseph K. Liu
Haifeng Qian
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