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An Improved K-means Clustering Algorithm Towards an Efficient Data-Driven Modeling

Authors: Md. Zubair, MD. Asif Iqbal, Avijeet Shil, M. J. M. Chowdhury, Mohammad Ali Moni, Iqbal H. Sarker

Published in: Annals of Data Science | Issue 5/2024

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K-means algorithm is one of the well-known unsupervised machine learning algorithms. The algorithm typically finds out distinct non-overlapping clusters in which each point is assigned to a group. The minimum squared distance technique distributes each point to the nearest clusters or subgroups. One of the K-means algorithm’s main concerns is to find out the initial optimal centroids of clusters. It is the most challenging task to determine the optimum position of the initial clusters’ centroids at the very first iteration. This paper proposes an approach to find the optimal initial centroids efficiently to reduce the number of iterations and execution time. To analyze the effectiveness of our proposed method, we have utilized different real-world datasets to conduct experiments. We have first analyzed COVID-19 and patient datasets to show our proposed method’s efficiency. A synthetic dataset of 10M instances with 8 dimensions is also used to estimate the performance of the proposed algorithm. Experimental results show that our proposed method outperforms traditional kmeans++ and random centroids initialization methods regarding the computation time and the number of iterations.

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An Improved K-means Clustering Algorithm Towards an Efficient Data-Driven Modeling
Md. Zubair
MD. Asif Iqbal
Avijeet Shil
M. J. M. Chowdhury
Mohammad Ali Moni
Iqbal H. Sarker
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
Annals of Data Science / Issue 5/2024
Print ISSN: 2198-5804
Electronic ISSN: 2198-5812

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