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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

An Innovative Rear Axle Concept for Optimized Longitudinal Comfort

Authors : Stefan Büchner, Roland König, Ralf Stroph, Martin Waldmann, Anton Tworek

Published in: 12th International Munich Chassis Symposium 2021

Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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This paper describes the design process of an innovative suspension concept for improved longitudinal comfort, especially with the difficulty of a heavy electric motor on the rear axle. The longitudinal compliance of a 5-link suspension needs no longer to be determined solely by the bushings of the rear subframe, but rather to a large extent by the wheel guiding elements of the suspension system. This task is mainly coped by the upper and lower trailing links. However, even with fairly soft bushings the wheel carrier is prevented from twisting, which compromises vehicle dynamics.
The paper includes the basic design concept of the so-called C-Link (Compliance Link) mechanism (which has also been patented) with its corresponding trailing links. Several possible solutions will be discussed and one promising way described in more detail. The design, simulation and CAD-design are aimed towards a BMW SUV. The elastokinematic behavior of the favored solution is simulated and optimized in Adams/Car. The optimization of longitudinal comfort without compromising vehicle dynamics is demonstrated.
The objective is to improve the characteristics of longitudinal compliance and to keep the elastokinematic properties as close to the reference vehicle as possible; for improved comparability. The simulation results are discussed extensively.

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go back to reference Tworek A (2020) Design of an alternative rear axle concept to optimize longitudinal comfort of highly electrified vehicles. Bachelor’s thesis, Automotive Engineering. University of Applied Sciences, Munich Tworek A (2020) Design of an alternative rear axle concept to optimize longitudinal comfort of highly electrified vehicles. Bachelor’s thesis, Automotive Engineering. University of Applied Sciences, Munich
An Innovative Rear Axle Concept for Optimized Longitudinal Comfort
Stefan Büchner
Roland König
Ralf Stroph
Martin Waldmann
Anton Tworek
Copyright Year
Springer Berlin Heidelberg