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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

An Integrated Employability Aptitude Survey-Cognitive Test Model for Assessing Students’ Skills Retention Threshold

Authors : Faeza Saleh Dlhin, Adham Ahmad Mackieh, Kehinde Adewale Adesina

Published in: Industrial Engineering in the Digital Disruption Era

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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An integrated employability aptitude survey-cognitive test is proposed to assess the retention threshold of students with the view of appraising the capabilities of engineering students in readiness for engineering positions. Numerical ability, space visualization, numerical reasoning, and symbolic reasoning responses are adapted into the model. One hundred six undergraduate students of the Department of Industrial Engineering at Eastern Mediterranean University selected across freshman, sophomore, junior and senior in the 2016–2017 academic years assessed their aptitudes through the proposed EAS cognitive tests. Analysis of variance is employed to analyze the model, and the results indicate a significant difference between students’ abilities in terms of raw scores and respective academic levels. Academic years and CGPA groups are found to have significant effects on the student’s percentile. Additionally, strong correlations between CGPA and the student’s percentile are found. However, space visualization ability is not affected by academic progression.

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An Integrated Employability Aptitude Survey-Cognitive Test Model for Assessing Students’ Skills Retention Threshold
Faeza Saleh Dlhin
Adham Ahmad Mackieh
Kehinde Adewale Adesina
Copyright Year

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