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03-03-2024 | Original Paper

An uneven landscape of public services for people of color: identifying endogeneity in the relationship between local race composition and public expenditure

Author: Austin Landini

Published in: The Annals of Regional Science | Issue 4/2024

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Previous economic literature finds that race diversity is associated with increased tax collection and expenditure per capita, but relative under-provision of important public goods and services. Using a panel data set covering Census “Places” of over 25k population 1980–2010, I verify this conclusion in a cross section for the 2010 US Census data. I then show that the measure of racial heterogeneity commonly used throughout the literature is endogenous over time due to omitted variables, and potential reverse causality or simultaneity. As a result, cross section and pooled results are likely to be biased. Using predicted race composition from national trends as an instrumental variable, I show that the relationship between changes in race heterogeneity and both tax and spending per capita is negative. This result suggests a potential reversal of the findings following of the influential paper by Alesina et al. (Q J Econ 114:1243–1284, 1999).

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Hispanic is not mutually exclusive with other race categories. Other and Hispanic have .898 correlation in the 2010 data, and about .870 overall across the panel.
Mean income data to calculate mean to median ratio were not available for 1980. Small/large households would inflate/deflate this measure, but the bias should be negligible in large samples.
I argue that this adjustment is not necessary because unlike the canonical cases where the first stage predictions are generated from an econometric model \(E[y_1| X_1, \theta _1]\), the first stage predictions in this method are calculated using population parameters: Racial composition in 1980 and the observed growth rate of Races in the USA in 10-year spans from 1980 to 2010.
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An uneven landscape of public services for people of color: identifying endogeneity in the relationship between local race composition and public expenditure
Austin Landini
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
The Annals of Regional Science / Issue 4/2024
Print ISSN: 0570-1864
Electronic ISSN: 1432-0592