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Analog performance and linearity analysis of a p-type group IV-IV SiGe TFET

Authors: Sadhana Subhadarshini Mohanty, Pradipta Dutta, Jitendra Kumar Das, Sushanta Kumar Mohapatra, Shofiur Rahman, Reem Alanazi, Nadyah Alanazi, Abdullah N. Alodhayb

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 2/2024

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This work investigates a dual-material gate p-channel tunnel field-effect transistor (p-DMG-TFET) with a Si/SiGe heterojunction for achieving better performance in radio frequency (RF) applications. The results of the simulation demonstrate an improved on-current/off-current ratio (Ion/Ioff ~ 109) and minimum subthreshold swing (19 mV/decade) for the proposed Si0.7Ge0.3 hetero-TFET versus Si used as channel material. A comprehensive simulation study of both Si0.7Ge0.3 and Si channel devices is performed, and on the basis of their DC, analog/RF, and linearity performance, a direct comparison reveals improved results for digital and analog applications. Numerous characteristics of the proposed DMG-HJ-TFET, including IDS, CGS, CGD, gm, gds, fT, TGF, TFP, GFP, and GTFP, are investigated and compared with a Si channel device, in which the proposed device shows better performance for RF circuitry applications. RF figures of merit (FOMs) including gm2, gm3, VIP2, VIP3, 1-dB compression point, IIP3, and IMD3 are also investigated for the proposed structure, which again demonstrates better performance.

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Analog performance and linearity analysis of a p-type group IV-IV SiGe TFET
Sadhana Subhadarshini Mohanty
Pradipta Dutta
Jitendra Kumar Das
Sushanta Kumar Mohapatra
Shofiur Rahman
Reem Alanazi
Nadyah Alanazi
Abdullah N. Alodhayb
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 2/2024
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137