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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Analysis of the Impact of New Singular Ventilation Technologies on Enhancing Indoor Air Quality in Schools

Authors : Laura Quant, Olga Macias-Juez, Ander Romero-Amorrortu, Asier Urrutia-Sustatxa, Antxon Urrutia-Sustatxa, Javier de-Iribas

Published in: Advancements in Architectural, Engineering, and Construction Research and Practice

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Concern about indoor air quality (IAQ) in schools has grown in recent years, particularly in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, which underscored its impact on children's health. Existing educational buildings employ simple strategies such as opening windows to ventilate classrooms. While this approach achieves the goal of air renewal, it compromises energy efficiency and user comfort. In this context, there is a need to address ventilation in schools from a new perspective, providing innovative technologies that allow quick and simple installation while guaranteeing high standards of air quality, energy efficiency, and user comfort. In response to this challenge, a new solution has been developed consisting of autonomous equipment installed inside each classroom and featuring independent intelligent control. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the applicability and the social impact that the widespread implementation of this alternative technology could have compared to conventional methods. The general characteristics and the specific peculiarities and needs of schools in the Basque Country (CAPV) in Spain were determined. The study first approached the topic theoretically through bibliographic references and statistical analysis, and subsequently, fieldwork to assess the reality of existing buildings. Additionally, an air quality monitoring campaign was carried out in pilot schools, conducted in two stages: first without ventilation and later with the new solution. The study evaluated the benefits in terms of improved air quality achieved, as well as the improvements in the implementation and operational processes. These results were extrapolated to Basque educational buildings, providing an estimation of the potential impact of this new ventilation approach. Highly positive results were yielded in terms of acceptance, feasibility, and ultimately, addressing the identified challenges.

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Analysis of the Impact of New Singular Ventilation Technologies on Enhancing Indoor Air Quality in Schools
Laura Quant
Olga Macias-Juez
Ander Romero-Amorrortu
Asier Urrutia-Sustatxa
Antxon Urrutia-Sustatxa
Javier de-Iribas
Copyright Year