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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Analysis of the Relationship Between Strategic Management Application and Innovation Level

Authors : Cahit Ali Bayraktar, Murat Durucu

Published in: Industrial Engineering in the Digital Disruption Era

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The purpose of this study is to question whether the level and dimensions of strategic management implementation affect the innovation level of the enterprise. Some situations created by strategic management (such as abundance, institutionalism) provide a healthy development environment in terms of innovation. Environmental scanning has been shown to support service innovation positively and powerfully. In this study, the level of strategic management applications not only impact on the type of innovation but also impact on all types of innovation were investigated. For this purpose, data obtained from 88 managers from various sectors were analyzed and interpreted by using survey method. As a result, a positive relationship was found between the strategic management level and innovation. It was found that the most important strategic management application level indicator affecting all types of innovation is environmental scanning intensity, planning horizon, and strategic control. Other indicators of the level of strategic management implementation, the flexibility of the strategic plan, and the level of participation in the preparation of strategic plans and innovation level of the enterprise could not be determined.

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Analysis of the Relationship Between Strategic Management Application and Innovation Level
Cahit Ali Bayraktar
Murat Durucu
Copyright Year

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