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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Analytical Classification of Sybil Attack Detection Techniques

Authors : Ankita S. Koleshwar, S. S. Sherekar, V. M. Thakare, Aniruddha Kanhe

Published in: Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things

Publisher: Springer Singapore

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Secured network is an important issue in today’s era. The various defense techniques have been developed to protect the network from the attacks which hampers the performance of the network. The attacks like Blackhole, Identity Spoofing, Sybil, etc. are observed. In such types of attacks, the Sybil is the destructive attack. In Sybil attack, attacker misleads the other nodes by viewing the wrong identity of the users who are alert from the nodes in the network. In a Sybil attack, a node illegitimately claims various identities. Sybil attack intimidates network in routing, fair resource allocation, data aggregation and misbehavior detection. This paper focuses on a systematic study of Sybil attack and gives the critical analysis of the various parameters which affects the performance along with the advantages and limitations.

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Analytical Classification of Sybil Attack Detection Techniques
Ankita S. Koleshwar
S. S. Sherekar
V. M. Thakare
Aniruddha Kanhe
Copyright Year
Springer Singapore