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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Analyzing Pressure Pulsations in Hydraulic Systems by Merging Measurements and 3D-CFD-simulations

Authors : Thomas A. Lenz, F. Stempfhuber, M. Spies, M. Bargende

Published in: 21. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium

Publisher: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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Pressure measurements in hydraulic systems and components are normally indispensable for the development and reliable operation and are mostly without alternatives. In 2017, results were presented that illustrate a relation between the measured value and the selection of the sensor including its adaptation. Deviations of more than 100% between several measurement signals were detected. Further analysis is necessary to clarify the relationships and causes.
This article provides detailed insights into a cavitation-like fluid mechanical effect based on the influence of the sensor adaption on the pressure traces inside the damper or high-pressure chamber in hydraulic chain tensioners. Results from measurements in complete engine operation as well as experiments on an engine dummy address the difficulties in development that can arise from distorted measurement values. Previously undiscovered effects of sensor and plug on the hydraulic and mechanical behavior of the entire system are documented as well.
In 2017, component tests provided evidence that an interaction of: I. geometry of the hydraulic component, II. system dynamics and III. volatile (local) gas content are the cause. The research from 2019 confirms this without any doubt. Based on these results, a 3D-CFD simulation was developed, which enabled an analysis of the different forms of interactions in individual system areas – both by external stimulations and by varying fluidic elasticities.
This result could not have been achieved without the intensive exchange between the areas: developments on behalf of the customer, component tests and simulation, as this article proves.

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Analyzing Pressure Pulsations in Hydraulic Systems by Merging Measurements and 3D-CFD-simulations
Thomas A. Lenz
F. Stempfhuber
M. Spies
M. Bargende
Copyright Year