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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

6. Analyzing Tourists’ Preferences for a Restored City Waterway

Authors : Ila Maltese, Luca Zamparini

Published in: Tourism and Regional Science

Publisher: Springer Singapore

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Up to 1929, Milan was labelled “Little Venice”, due to its dense network of canals. In that year, the network was partially covered and replaced by roads aiming at faster freight and passenger transport. During an informal referendum held in 2011, most of Milan’s citizens (95%) declared to be in favour of restoring the Navigli waterways system, now flowing underground in the centre of the city. Following this result, in 2015 the Polytechnic of Milan developed the feasibility study of the project. The waterways system could be reactivated for about 8 km, passing through the Eastern area of the city centre and connecting the North of the city to the South. In addition to the blueprint restoration, according to the sustainable mobility strategy adopted by the Municipality, a cycle-path will be running aside the canal, thus relieving congestion in high traffic and over-crowded roads. The Navigli restoration project would thus dramatically change not only the aesthetic character of the whole city of Milan but also the accessibility level—especially in the city centre—thanks to the new slow mobility infrastructure. Furthermore, this urban transformation would represent a big opportunity for the preservation and promotion of the cultural and historical heritage of the city, by partially restoring the ancient landscape. Ultimately, the city image would certainly benefit from the expected improvement of the overall quality of life generated by the project, especially concerning the “leisure” aspects. In order to explore the increased urban attractiveness, the value attached by tourists to the project has been investigated in the chapter. Both the cultural and environmental features of this urban transformation, together with the “non-users” benefits stemming from the slow mobility improvement, suggested to adopt a Total Economic Value (TEV) approach and a Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). To this aim, a survey was carried out in 2019 among 1070 tourists and excursionists in order to elicit their preferences for the restored waterways system. The results have shown that visitors would be eager to spend a sensible amount of time to enjoy the waterfront and that they would mainly go there on foot or by bike, thus proving that the project would increase active mobility options and the consequent enhancement of transport sustainability in the city.

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Several cases of urban waterfront regeneration are described, among others, by Desfor et al. (2010), Timur (2013) and Hooimeijer (2014).
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The question was about the expenditure in a day not including travel or staying cost, thus being equivalent for tourist and for excursionist.
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Analyzing Tourists’ Preferences for a Restored City Waterway
Ila Maltese
Luca Zamparini
Copyright Year
Springer Singapore