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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

12. Annualized Hours, Multiskilling, and Overtime on Annual Staffing Problem: A Two-Stage Stochastic Approach

Authors : Andrés Felipe Porto, Amaia Lusa, César Augusto Henao, Roberto Porto Solano

Published in: Industry 4.0: The Power of Data

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This study evaluates the potential benefits of a labor flexibility strategy that simultaneously incorporates: (i) annualized working hours, (ii) multiskilled staff, and (iii) overtime; into the annual staffing problem for a retail store. A two-stage stochastic optimization model is proposed to determine: How many staff is required in each store department; what amount of weekly working time (ordinary and overtime hours) is required per employee in an annual planning horizon; how many employees will be multiskilled, and in which departments they will be trained. This formulation considers uncertainty in the staff demand. Using real data from a Chilean retail outlet, the obtained results allow us to design a flexible and cost-effective workforce at a strategic level. That is, the proposed triple strategy reports the lowest total annual cost (a saving of 69%) and also requires a smaller staff size for the store.

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Annualized Hours, Multiskilling, and Overtime on Annual Staffing Problem: A Two-Stage Stochastic Approach
Andrés Felipe Porto
Amaia Lusa
César Augusto Henao
Roberto Porto Solano
Copyright Year

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