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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Another Brick in the Wall: The Importance of Partitions in Structural Dynamic Modelling

Authors : Michael J. Wesolowsky, Muhammad Rahman, Brad Pridham, Rabih Alkhatib, Ali Siami

Published in: Dynamics of Civil Structures, Vol. 2

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Occupant footfalls are often the most critical sources of floor vibration on elevated floors of buildings. Achieving often stringent vibration criteria on these floors requires sufficiently stiff and massive floor structures to effectively resist the forces exerted by user traffic. The difficulty for engineers in modelling these buildings can be complicated for structures that have a significant number of partitions that span from slab to slab, where conventional literature guidance recommends that these partitions be modelled as increased damping only.
In this chapter, three case studies of structures with significant partitions that span from slab to slab are presented. In all three cases, dynamic testing has been performed on various areas of the floors, and during various stages of fit-out in order to provide insight as to what impact these partitions have on the behaviour of the floors. In all three cases, Finite element modelling was also conducted to calibrate the models with the testing. The testing and subsequent modelling showed that although damping was relatively high, these partitions provided a more significant contribution to increasing the stiffness of the floors. Recommendations for appropriate stiffness coefficients are provided as guidance for future dynamic floor modelling.

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Another Brick in the Wall: The Importance of Partitions in Structural Dynamic Modelling
Michael J. Wesolowsky
Muhammad Rahman
Brad Pridham
Rabih Alkhatib
Ali Siami
Copyright Year