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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

2. Antecedents of <IR>: Tracing History

Author : Cristiana Bernardi

Published in: Implementing Integrated Reporting

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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To better understand where <IR> stands today, it is helpful to trace its origins: how it has developed in different jurisdictions, and how it is currently being promoted. The IIRC’s strategy was supposed to culminate in what it termed a ‘Breakthrough Phase’ in 2017. But, as Dumay et al. (2017) point out, <IR>  has not yet broken through any major markets beyond South Africa. There is, however, one notable exception in Japan, where a desire to attract Western capital has led to sweeping changes in corporate governance legislation and <IR> is being fit for that purpose (Sabelfeld and Dumay 2018). Thus, understanding some of the major developments that have shaped what <IR> represents today requires a journey that begins in post-apartheid South Africa.

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According to King IV, an integrated report could either be “(i) a standalone report which connects the more detailed information in other reports, and addresses, at a high level and in a complete, concise way, the matters that could significantly affect the organisation’s ability to create value; or (ii) a distinguishable, prominent and accessible part of another report which also includes the annual financial statements and other reports that must be issued in compliance with legal provisions” (IoDSA 2016, p. 48).
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Antecedents of : Tracing History
Cristiana Bernardi
Copyright Year

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