Issue 2/2024
Content (9 Articles)
Univariate polynomial factorization over finite fields with large extension degree
- Original Paper
Joris van der Hoeven, Grégoire Lecerf
-double cyclic codes with respect to the Hermitian inner product
- Original Paper
Ismail Aydogdu, Taher Abualrub, Karim Samei
Distance-regular graphs and new block designs obtained from the Mathieu groups
- Original Paper
Dean Crnković, Nina Mostarac, Andrea Švob
Symbol-pair distance of some repeated-root constacyclic codes of length over the Galois ring
- Original Paper
Hai Q. Dinh, Pramod Kumar Kewat, Nilay Kumar Mondal
Decision problem for a class of univariate Pfaffian functions
- Original Paper
María Laura Barbagallo, Gabriela Jeronimo, Juan Sabia
Multidimensional Byzantine agreement in a synchronous setting
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Andrea Flamini, Riccardo Longo, Alessio Meneghetti
On Kostant’s weight q-multiplicity formula for
- Original Paper
Pamela E. Harris, Peter Hollander, Daniel C. Qin, Maria Rodriguez-Hertz