Issue 4/2024
Content (9 Articles)
- Original Paper
Presentations of Coxeter groups of type A, B, and D using prefix-reversal generators
Saúl A. Blanco, Charles Buehrle
- Original Paper
Linear complexity of two classes of quaternary sequences based on sign alternation transformation
Lu Zhao, Yongzhen Pei, Tianqing Cao, Jiao Du
- Original Paper
-additive cyclic codes are asymptotically good
Hai Q. Dinh, Bhanu Pratap Yadav, Sachin Pathak, Abhyendra Prasad, Ashish Kumar Upadhyay, Woraphon Yamaka
- Original Paper
The linear structures and fast points of rotation symmetric Boolean functions
Lei Sun, Zexia Shi
- Original Paper
Construction of self dual codes from graphs
Nazahet Fellah, Kenza Guenda, Ferruh Özbudak, Padmapani Seneviratne
- Original Paper
Maximum distance separable repeated-root constacyclic codes over with respect to the Lee distance
Hai Q. Dinh, Pramod Kumar Kewat, Nilay Kumar Mondal