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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Application of a Methodology for the Management of Risk in a Pharmaceutical Supply Chain

Authors : N. Anich, M. Mateo

Published in: Organizational Engineering in Industry 4.0

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The supply chains of a business are designed to respond to a variety of clients' and customers' requests. Given the increasing complexity of the chain management, nowadays it is also important to design them in order to face different kinds of customers and also different kinds of risk to satisfy their requests. We have developed a methodology to redesign a supply chain including decisions to balance the performance indicators and the possible risks. The paper describes the application of the first steps in this methodology for the distribution of pharmaceutical products to customers, from hospitals to pharmacies. The result is a diagnostic of points with higher risks in the supply chain, to focus the changes in the redesign.

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Application of a Methodology for the Management of Risk in a Pharmaceutical Supply Chain
N. Anich
M. Mateo
Copyright Year

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