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Application of arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian unstructured finite volume lattice Boltzmann method to simulate compressible viscous flows over moving bodies

Authors: Hossein Hashemi Nasab, Kazem Hejranfar, Mohammad Hadi Azampour

Published in: Meccanica | Issue 12/2023

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In this work, a central difference unstructured finite volume lattice Boltzmann method (FVLBM) in an arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) framework is applied to effectively simulate the compressible viscous flows over moving bodies. Here, the two-dimensional compressible LB equation based on the multispeed Watari model is formulated in the ALE framework on an unstructured body-fitted mesh and the resulting equation is discretized by using the cell-centered finite volume method in which a central averaging scheme is made to calculate the numerical fluxes. A suitable dissipation term is added to the formulation to ensure the stability of the numerical scheme applied. The time integration is efficiently carried out using the implicit dual-time stepping method. The advantages of the proposed solution procedure (ALE-FVLBM) implemented on an unstructured body-fitted mesh are that the body shape is correctly modeled, the viscous region near the wall boundary can reasonably be resolved and the motion of the body is properly made by a suitable unstructured mesh movement strategy. Several steady and unsteady compressible viscous problems are simulated to study the accuracy and robustness of the proposed solution methodology. The test case studied here are the viscous shock vortex problem, the steady/unsteady flow around the stationary NACA0012 airfoil and the flow over the pitching NACA0012 airfoil both in single and tandem formation. Indications are that the ALE-FVLBM applied is accurate and robust for the simulation of steady and unsteady viscous compressible flow problems over moving bodies even for geometrically complicated problems.

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go back to reference Frapolli N, Chikatamarla S, Karlin I (2020) Theory, analysis, and applications of the entropic lattice Boltzmann model for compressible flows. Entropy 22(3):370MathSciNetCrossRef Frapolli N, Chikatamarla S, Karlin I (2020) Theory, analysis, and applications of the entropic lattice Boltzmann model for compressible flows. Entropy 22(3):370MathSciNetCrossRef
Application of arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian unstructured finite volume lattice Boltzmann method to simulate compressible viscous flows over moving bodies
Hossein Hashemi Nasab
Kazem Hejranfar
Mohammad Hadi Azampour
Publication date
Springer Netherlands
Published in
Meccanica / Issue 12/2023
Print ISSN: 0025-6455
Electronic ISSN: 1572-9648

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