2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter
Application of Life Cycle Analyses to assess the Efficency of Car Drive Systems
Authors : Daniel Weißbach, Stephan Gottlieb, Götz Ruprecht, Armin Huke, Marcel Schäufele
Published in: Internationaler Motorenkongress 2021
Publisher: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
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Life cycle analyses (LCA) are the accepted method to determine the overall impact of a product. Usually, they are quantified by all material flows in the production and consumption chain. With the result, emissions and ressources consumptions can be quantified. One interesting number is the total energy input, the "gray energy". Related to the mechanical energy output of a car drive system results in a good measure of the overall efficiency. While this measure is common for the efficiency of power plants, it seems to be not well known to assess the efficiency of car drive systems. The methodology for the application of car drive systems will be presented here.