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Application of locally made nonmagnetic steel in the Russian oil and gas sector

Authors: P. V. Bravkov, R. Z. Gusmanov, O. V. Zhdaneev, A. A. Chuchkov, A. S. Yakovlev

Published in: Metallurgist | Issue 3/2024

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In 2019, the authors analyzed supply chains and noted the complete dependence of Russian manufacturers of bottom-hole assemblies of drilling strings on the supply* of nonmagnetic types of steel from other countries. Industry’s technical requirements for nonmagnetic types of steel were developed and approved, considering the operating conditions of drilling equipment. An audit of foundries in the Russian Federation was conducted. In 2020, by order of Proizvodstvennaya Kommercheskaya Firma (PKF) Gazneftemash, a pilot batch of rods made of austenitic nonmagnetic steel was produced at Ruspolimet facilities. Laboratory tests confirmed compliance to industry technical requirements, namely a yield strength of 1093 MPa, tensile strength of 1155 MPa, and impact work of 242 J. The authors analyzed the leading global practices in conducting field tests of products made of nonmagnetic types of steel, based on which a field industrial testing methodology was developed and approved. This article presents the results of the trial operation of products and proves the serial use of equipment made from nonmagnetic rods with a diameter of up to 95 mm. A defect analysis performed during trial field operations is presented, and opportunities for adapting the technological process for manufacturing rods of a diameter greater than 95 mm are identified.

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Application of locally made nonmagnetic steel in the Russian oil and gas sector
P. V. Bravkov
R. Z. Gusmanov
O. V. Zhdaneev
A. A. Chuchkov
A. S. Yakovlev
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Metallurgist / Issue 3/2024
Print ISSN: 0026-0894
Electronic ISSN: 1573-8892

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