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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Arcula: A Secure Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet for Multi-asset Blockchains

Authors : Adriano Di Luzio, Danilo Francati, Giuseppe Ateniese

Published in: Cryptology and Network Security

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This work presents Arcula, a new design for hierarchical deterministic wallets that brings identity-based public keys to the blockchain. Arcula is built on top of provably secure cryptographic primitives. It generates all its cryptographic secrets from a user-provided seed and enables the derivation of new public keys based on the identities of users, without requiring any secret information. Unlike other wallets, it achieves all these properties while being secure against privilege escalation. We formalize the security model of hierarchical deterministic wallets and prove that an attacker compromising an arbitrary number of users within an Arcula wallet cannot escalate his privileges and compromise users higher in the access hierarchy. Our design works out-of-the-box with any blockchain that enables the verification of signatures on arbitrary messages. We evaluate its usage in a real-world scenario on the Bitcoin Cash network.

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Arcula is the Latin word to define the small casket where ancient Romans used to store their jewels.
In general, the administrator of the wallet is the highest privileged user in the hierarchy.
The value is the public label (binary string) associated by the DHKA to the node . Without loss of generality we can assume that (the public label is just the node number ).
Another advantage of P2SH is that it hides the details of the locking script until the users redeem the coins sent by the transaction.
The transcripts of the transactions are available, respectively, at https://​bit.​ly/​2UI62tt and https://​bit.​ly/​2UoQNGI.
The sanitizable keys can be hierarchically deployed by leveraging a second instance of DHKA.
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Arcula: A Secure Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet for Multi-asset Blockchains
Adriano Di Luzio
Danilo Francati
Giuseppe Ateniese
Copyright Year

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