Issue 4/2023
Content (6 Articles)
Knowledge mining and social dangerousness assessment in criminal justice: metaheuristic integration of machine learning and graph-based inference
- Original Research
Nicola Lettieri, Alfonso Guarino, Delfina Malandrino, Rocco Zaccagnino
Two factor-based models of precedential constraint: a comparison and proposal
- Open Access
- Original Research
Robert Mullins
Masked prediction and interdependence network of the law using data from large-scale Japanese court judgments
- Open Access
Ryoma Kondo, Takahiro Yoshida, Ryohei Hisano
Judicial knowledge-enhanced magnitude-aware reasoning for numerical legal judgment prediction
- Original Research
Sheng Bi, Zhiyao Zhou, Lu Pan, Guilin Qi
Towards a simple mathematical model for the legal concept of balancing of interests
- Open Access
Frederike Zufall, Rampei Kimura, Linyu Peng
Legal document assembly system for introducing law students with legal drafting
Marko Marković, Stevan Gostojić