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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

7. Artificial Intelligence in Dermatology: A Case Study for Facial Skin Diseases

Authors : Rola El-Saleh, Hazem Zein, Samer Chantaf, Amine Nait-ali

Published in: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Computation, and Data Science

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The purpose of the first part of this chapter is to cover broadly the concept of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of dermatology. Afterward, it will mainly focus on facial skin diseases by covering some common AI-based approaches. The aim of this research application is the ability to identify certain pathologies by analyzing face images with present lesions through both AI and computer vision techniques. In particular, a special interest will be addressed to Machine-learning and Deep-learning approaches. In a case study, some key functionalities of a prototype software, developed by our research biometric group, will be presented.

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Artificial Intelligence in Dermatology: A Case Study for Facial Skin Diseases
Rola El-Saleh
Hazem Zein
Samer Chantaf
Amine Nait-ali
Copyright Year

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