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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

14. Artificial Intelligence Techniques Applied to the Flowshop and Jobshop Problems. A Review of Recent Literature

Authors : Pedro Gomez-Gasquet, Alejandro Torres, Ana Esteso, Maria Angeles Rodriguez

Published in: Industry 4.0: The Power of Data

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This paper makes a review of the different contributions that the artificial scheduling in flowshops and jobshops using approaches or techniques from the discipline of artificial intelligence. High quality and growing production is maintained for a promising line of research. The work carries out a literature review following a contrasted methodology that has allowed us to analyze in detail 17 articles published in 2020 and 2021 as a continuation of a previous review. The most outstanding conclusions allow us to see a tendency to improve the use of deep learning techniques in the field of sequencing, both to generate sequences directly and to complement parts of other algorithms.

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go back to reference Gomez-Gasquet P, Boza-Garcia A, Navarro A (2020) Artificial intelligence for solving flowshop and jobshop scheduling problems: a literature review. In: 14th international conference on industrial engineering and industrial management, XXIV Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización, Madrid, Spain, July 9–10, 2020 (publication in progress) Gomez-Gasquet P, Boza-Garcia A, Navarro A (2020) Artificial intelligence for solving flowshop and jobshop scheduling problems: a literature review. In: 14th international conference on industrial engineering and industrial management, XXIV Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización, Madrid, Spain, July 9–10, 2020 (publication in progress)
go back to reference Medina-López C, Marín-García JA, Alfalla-Luque R (2010) Una propuesta metodológica para la realización de Búsquedas sistemáticas de bibliografía. (A methodological proposal for the systematic literature review). In: Working papers on operations management, vol 1, no 2, pp 13–30 Medina-López C, Marín-García JA, Alfalla-Luque R (2010) Una propuesta metodológica para la realización de Búsquedas sistemáticas de bibliografía. (A methodological proposal for the systematic literature review). In: Working papers on operations management, vol 1, no 2, pp 13–30
Artificial Intelligence Techniques Applied to the Flowshop and Jobshop Problems. A Review of Recent Literature
Pedro Gomez-Gasquet
Alejandro Torres
Ana Esteso
Maria Angeles Rodriguez
Copyright Year

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