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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Assessing Graduate Academic Scholarship Applications with a Rule-Based Cloud System

Authors : Yongbin Zhang, Ronghua Liang, Yuansheng Qi, Xiuli Fu, Yanying Zheng

Published in: Artificial Intelligence in Education Technologies: New Development and Innovative Practices

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Academic scholarships motivate graduates to work hard. However, the tedious application process frustrates students and brings adverse effects. The paper presents a rule-based cloud computing system to assess academic scholarship applications. The criteria can be encoded with if-then expressions. The rule-based system enables the administrator to add new standards or update existing ones flexibly. Students can upload their achievements through a web browser on different devices. Graduates know the mark of each item input into the system. The system calculates final grades automatically. Members of evaluation committees can review and return applications to applicants. All criteria are available for students. The transparency encourages students to participate in applying for scholarships. The experimental results show that the designed system was helpful in evaluating scholarship applications. Students spent less time applying for academic scholarships with the rule-based cloud system than with traditional approaches.

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Assessing Graduate Academic Scholarship Applications with a Rule-Based Cloud System
Yongbin Zhang
Ronghua Liang
Yuansheng Qi
Xiuli Fu
Yanying Zheng
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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