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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Assessment of Enclosure Permeability and Impact on Psychological Well-Being in Urban Open Space

Authors : Aliffi Majiid, Damayanti Asikin, Yen Khang Nguyen-Tran

Published in: Proceedings of the 4th International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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This study explores the interconnection between environmental stress and the discordant psychological well-being of the population through a specific focus on permeability and enclosure. In Sidoarjo, where only 21.6% of open space is allocated—well below the required minimum of 30%—and characterized by poor quality, noticeable changes in behavioral patterns occur, resulting in a disruption of psychological well-being. The research argues that optimizing the design of enclosures within public spaces, considering the permeability factor, holds promise for alleviating environmental stress in Sidoarjo Regency. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, incorporating both descriptive qualitative and quantitative methodologies, the study employs mean score analysis and continues with Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA). The findings reveal that spaces with a strong level of enclosure (D/H < 1) and high permeability significantly influence positive psychological well-being. Conversely, spaces with a moderate level of enclosure (1 < D/H < 2) exhibit an indeterminate effect, suggesting adaptability to specific spatial functions, while those with low levels of enclosure (D/H > 2) and lower permeability imply a diminished impact on psychological well-being. These insights, incorporating permeability and enclosure as key factors, contribute to the understanding of the interplay between design elements, environmental stress, and psychological well-being, potentially influencing urban planning and public space optimization in Sidoarjo Regency within the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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Assessment of Enclosure Permeability and Impact on Psychological Well-Being in Urban Open Space
Aliffi Majiid
Damayanti Asikin
Yen Khang Nguyen-Tran
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore