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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Assessment of Microgrid Communication Network Performance for Medium-Scale IEEE Bus Systems Using Multi-Agent System

Authors : Niharika Singh, Irraivan Elamvazuthi, Perumal Nallagownden, Gobbi Ramasamy, Ajay Jangra

Published in: Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks

Publisher: Springer Singapore

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Microgrids help to achieve power balance and energy allocation optimality for the defined load networks. In this paper, the focus is to enhance the intelligence of the microgrid network using a multi-agent system and validation is using network performance metrics such as delay, throughput and jitter. Network performance is analyzed for the medium-scale microgrid using two IEEE test systems, i.e., IEEE 34 and IEEE 39. In this paper, Bellman–Ford algorithm is incorporated to calculate the shortest path to a given destination. The algorithm is defined for the distributed nature of the microgrid. From this model, researchers have achieved up to 30% improvement in the network performance of a microgrid.

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Assessment of Microgrid Communication Network Performance for Medium-Scale IEEE Bus Systems Using Multi-Agent System
Niharika Singh
Irraivan Elamvazuthi
Perumal Nallagownden
Gobbi Ramasamy
Ajay Jangra
Copyright Year
Springer Singapore