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12-10-2022 | Original Paper

Attributes of Learning Organizations: Measuring Personalized Online Learning and Alternative Credentials as Part of a Learning Culture

Authors: Jennifer L. Scott, Gerald Knezek, James R. Poirot, Lin Lin-Lipsmeyer

Published in: TechTrends | Issue 1/2023

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Work-based and employee-driven informal learning, training and development have been increasing in importance in the last few decades. Concurrently, organizations seek to measure the extent to which they develop a culture and structure that supports individual learning and organizational learning. This study examines the perception of a learning organization through the development and validation of a scale, which measures the extent to which the organization is perceived 1) to provide online learning that is personalized for its employees and 2) to recognize skills and competencies acquired through non-degree and other pathways. This research provides organizations with the ability to measure and benchmark attributes of their learning culture that are important to work-based and lifelong learning as well as talent recruitment and management.
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Attributes of Learning Organizations: Measuring Personalized Online Learning and Alternative Credentials as Part of a Learning Culture
Jennifer L. Scott
Gerald Knezek
James R. Poirot
Lin Lin-Lipsmeyer
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
TechTrends / Issue 1/2023
Print ISSN: 8756-3894
Electronic ISSN: 1559-7075

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