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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Automated Segregation of Plastic Wastes: Pioneering a Greener Frontier in Waste Management

Authors : Pankaj Kumar, Hephzi Jones, Pankaj Pathak, Priyanka Singh

Published in: Advances in Environmental Sustainability, Energy and Earth Science

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Segregation of waste is a key component of the waste management system. To attain high-quality recycled plastics, reduce pollution, and for a cleaner environment, sorting waste is vital. Manual sorting of waste can be inefficient due to human error and difficulty in separating different plastic types. It also causes several health issues for the workers. In medium- to high-volume factories, automated technology plays a critical role in the sorting of plastic materials. Accordingly, in this chapter, we have focused on different types of automated sorting techniques like direct and indirect sorting of plastics from municipal solid waste. The use of robots in sorting materials, such as plastic, paper, metals, glass, etc., from municipal solid waste can reduce manufacturing costs and energy consumption while facilitating the creation of secondary raw materials. This chapter is set forth by critically evaluating the different types of segregation technologies and their efficiency. By combining artificial intelligence (AI), deep learning, and robotics, we’re creating a more automated and eco-friendly way to manage waste, ensuring a healthier future for generations to come.

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Automated Segregation of Plastic Wastes: Pioneering a Greener Frontier in Waste Management
Pankaj Kumar
Hephzi Jones
Pankaj Pathak
Priyanka Singh
Copyright Year