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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

4. Autonomous Adaptation and Governmental Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Exploring the Resilience of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the Philippines

Authors : Kristoffer B. Berse, Kirsten Lianne Mae C. Dedase, Lianne Angelico C. Depante

Published in: Changing Law and Contractual Relations under COVID-19

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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This study frames the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on Philippine micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) from the lens of resilience, while discussing the various types of support that MSMEs have received from government agencies and public and private banks. Using data from a small-sized survey involving managers and workers, it explores the issues, needs, and responses that MSMEs have encountered. Preliminary findings reveal limited stimuli to ensure MSMEs’ survival. To cope with the disruption, most reported adopting adaptive mechanisms. The paper ends with a discussion of policy recommendations and future research directions to further explore and strengthen MSME resilience.

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It is worth mentioning that there is no universal definition of MSMEs due in large part to the variation of economic conditions among countries (Berisha & Pula, 2015; Burgess, 2003; Harvie & Lee, 2002; Hobbs, 2017). Nevertheless, in the literature, MSMEs are defined in terms of number of employees (most common), asset size, capital, sales, and production capability, among others (Hall, 2002; Harvie & Lee, 2002; Miranda & Miranda, 2018). In the Philippines, MSMEs are usually classified in terms of number of employees or asset size: micro (1–9 employees/less than 3 million pesos), small (10–99 employees/3 to 15 million pesos), and medium (100–199 employees/15 to 100 million pesos).
As of September 16, 2021.
Source as lifted from the IATF-NTF guidelines; Grace Poe is an incumbent Philippine senator.
Survey questionnaire on personal and organizational resilience was adopted from Seville (2016) and Cooper et al. (2013), respectively.
Refer to Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (2021) for detailed information on the guidelines.
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Autonomous Adaptation and Governmental Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Exploring the Resilience of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the Philippines
Kristoffer B. Berse
Kirsten Lianne Mae C. Dedase
Lianne Angelico C. Depante
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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